
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

When the weather's hot and sticky...

In the shade

It's time to make pizza on the grill. I'm serious! All you need is a 3-4 burner gas grill, a pizza stone, cornmeal, a sturdy pizza peel, and some fresh home-made pizza. Place the stone on the grill and turn on all of the burners except the one(s) directly under the pizza stone. Don't ever put the stone into a hot grill, or directly over a burner. If you do there is a very real possibility that the stone will crack. When the grill reaches 350 degrees sprinkle the stone with cornmeal, slide the pizza in over the cornmeal with your peel and close the cover. It takes just as long to cook as your home oven. Hot town summer in the city...
Cheese and Sausage Pizza  
© Tmelle 1998-2011

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Grasshopper for the Taylor picture from your secret garden.


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