
Friday, January 28, 2011

I'm not really a cook

Lobster Benedict
I am also not a writer so bear with me if I start to ramble on, misspell a word or two, forget to spell check, or repeat someting in a different post. I am here to learn...

One of my first jobs in life was as a short order cook for a snack shop at a major retailers store.From there I became a breakfast cook. Over the years I learned to cook breakfast and lunch like a pro.
From this humble beginning I soon learned that with my cooking background, finding a job anywhere in the country was not that difficult. During my early life I just couldn't stay put for a very long time. My backup was four years of printing experience under my belt. With these two skill sets I was able to travel and find work almost anywhere.

Later in life I found myself working in the hospitality industry, evaluating food at a whole new level. Not really a food critic, I was immersed in the world of fine dining from the consumer side. I was able to travel extensively throughout the country and places like Alaska, Aruba, Bermuda, Puerto Rico, Grand Cayman's, and Mexico. Being on the road is not as fun as it would seem, often I couldn't wait to get back home and enjoy some comfort food. Not may restaurants serve meatloaf and real mashed potatoes. 

From there using my printing and marketing experience I again found myself back in the restaurant, banquet, and food manufacturing business. I soon discovered that I am a foodie!    

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